Monday, June 7, 2010

The Continuation

Wow, so first off, I need to proof read better. That being said, I will move on. What I failed to mention in my last post is that my career began and almost ended within the first 6 months. I was teaching a biology class, of all things. I had one student, who shall remain anonymous, who liked to say every swear word that is in our vocabulary and then some I probably had never heard before or since. Well, on this one particular day, I actually had a very good class discussion going, when she decided she needed to add her two cents which was prefaced with all her swear words. I happened to be standing behind her when she started and for the life of me, I cannot say what came over me (in a matter of a few minutes my life flashed before my eyes) but my hand came up and I popped her upside the head. The entire class gave one big GASP and sat in total silence waiting, and I was waiting, to see what came next. She sputtered, and then in an incredulous voice said, "You HIT me! You really hit me!!" Not knowing what else to do, I very quickly and smartly retorted, "If you continue to talk like that I might do it again." (How stupid of me, right??) As I mentioned, I really thought that would be the end of my career. However 28 years later I am still teaching and believe it or not, I changed a life that day. I am not sure whose, mine or hers, but she never swore in my presence again and for the next twelve years that I taught there, she continued to come back every year after she graduated to see me and let me know where her life had taken her. I do not know if it was because she believed I really cared (which I did) or if somebody finally stood up to her and said enough was enough. I would like to believe that we both became better people after that experience. I would never ever think of doing that today; however, it wasn't like I had planned it then. It is strange though how sometimes things just happen. I was forunate that day that I did not lose my job. I would have missed out on these past 28 years which have been the most fulfilling and frustrating and yet memorable years of my life. Teaching, besides parenthood, has given me such purpose in life. I truly feel blessed by all that I have learned and hopefully for all the good that I imparted.


  1. No kidding! I can certainly relate. It seems that those who keep working on all their antics are the ones that are crying out the loudest! Is it a blessing or a your case, you've been blessed ever since (and so has your student.) Thank God for those teachable moments, those that are certainly in His hand! Can't imagine not having you as one of our "Teacher's That Make a Difference."

  2. Thank you for that. There are days that I still feel doubt about what I am doing!! So it is nice to hear someone thinks I am doing a good job.
