Sunday, June 13, 2010

A little detour

I have decided to take a small break from the reminiscing about the early years and take a moment to reflect on the year that just ended. To all my fellow teachers, we have completed the first decade of the 21st century. CRAZY!! right. What happened to yesterday when we were worried about Y2K. It is unbelievable to me that ten years have gone by already. I feel like I must have slept through some of them. However, I am very glad to report that I did not, (although at times, during the bad part I wish I had).
As I was ending my school year, which at the time felt like it could not be over soon enough, BAM, time ran out and I was left wondering what happened. I had intended to wind up the year by having all my materials organized, my room clean, my finals graded and my grades in so that I could walk out of the building and not have to go back until August. Then, life happened once again. One of my teachers became very ill and I ended up giving several of her finals. All the time I thought I had to clean, pack, organize, etc. went out the window. Now I find myself having to go back in for a few hours to do what I needed to have done already. I wanted to do it on Saturday after proctoring the ACT but the 180 degree humidity kept me from staying. Now I have to rush to get everything done in a matter of a couple of hours because like a crazy person, I planned a trip right away. Don't get me wrong I am looking forward to the trip and time with my daughter but I thought I'd be able to take my time to get things done. Time is not my friend right now, nor is the weather for that matter. So much to do and so little time. BUT I do digress, since this has nothing to so with the school year that just ended.
Why is it that some years the students are so great you hate to see them go and then other years you cannot wait until they go. For me this year was the year I hated to see them go. It was great with a great bunch of students. I truly enjoyed it. Maybe because they helped me get through a very stressful year. They didn't complain about the work, they didn't have an attitude, they were just very pleasant and kind to each other. I was very impressed with the students that I had. I am thankful that I had the time with them that I did. For those that graduated, I hope they do well, and for those that I will have next year I hope that they are half as great as the students I had this year. It is students like them that make me glad I am a teacher.

1 comment:

  1. I was in your shoes last year, when I had a teacher out at the end and I was interviewing as well. This year's better, but I still have to go today to print the last grades and do a little more cleaning. Seems like I never get done by the last day, anymore, but I don't mind as long as I don't have something scheduled right away. Maybe I will see you at school!
